Over the past few weeks there have been a bunch of great references to This is Vegas. Forgive me while I plug them for a minute. 🙂
- GameTap interview during GDC
- Gamespy interview Podcast
- Game Informer preview
- Kotaku climbs on board
- Joystiq catches wind
- “This is Sparta” joke number 861
- Gameindustry.biz
- ActionTrip
- Play.tm
- CVG Online
- TeamXbox Screenshots
- GamePolitics wonders about political pressure
- OMG does our game have anything illicit in it?
- Local Las Vegas news report is shocked that a game might be made about their fair city!?!
- Three years ago Rouse said we’re gonna blow your minds DooD!
- Gametrailers interview with Studio Head Alan Patmore
- IGN Podcast
- Another IGN Podcast
- We couldn’t ask for a more appropriate plug
One last edit:
My list of coverage can’t even approach this person’s… Read the very first This Is Vegas blog.