A couple of weeks ago, Auto Fire got taken out for some air at SIX, the Seattle Indies Expo. This show was an in-person event in conjunction with PAX, and featured indie games from around the rich development community around the Seattle area.
Check out the other games that were displayed at https://six.seattleindies.org/
It was really fun to get the game into people’s hands and take feedback, to learn about what got them excited, and of course where more work had to be done. In all it was a great show for all.
There’s a corresponding online event on Saturday Sept 24th, that will be going live on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/SeattleIndies
In preparation for the event I assembled a new teaser filled with updated footage and cool stuff. Hoooo boy that’s a tougher job than you think… It took the better part of a couple weeks, but I think it paid off. Enjoy!