It’s been a pretty busy week getting the first 1GAM game functional, both in feature sets and all the various times where I had to learn more of the quirks of Unity. Â Since last update I’ve added home bases for both sides and a series of bunkers with anti-aircraft guns mounted on them. Â I created the bazooka soldier who carries a homing rocket, and created a number of basic VFX and behaviors to support him. Â There is now a resource system and a way to deploy units, and I’ve dropped in an UI for static screens, in-game tutorial text, and a HUD to show what units can be bought. Â Finally, I’ve got a death and respawn system, and a camera that keeps things in view and doesn’t show things it shouldn’t.
I’ve posted the work-in-progress here: Â BATTLE ROWÂ Note that while I have second-to-second activities, I still haven’t provided quite enough structure to give the player an objective… Â You can’t win or lose yet: Â That I’ve got to implement this week.
I still have bunkers to implement so they can be captured by soldiers, and given them machineguns that mow down incoming soldiers… Â Then make it so tanks or helicopters can clear them out, requiring a two-step process to clear a bunker and giving tanks a more tactical role than a straight soldier-killer. Â I think I’ll also need to implement bombs in addition to machineguns, like the original game had.
I’m glad I took something of a known structure for my first major game experiment in Unity, but as I move forward I am starting to appreciate some of the nuances of the original Rescue Raiders. Â Given my limited time, I thought I could take parts of the whole and still make an interesting experience… but as I start to assemble everything I realize that the game relies on all these parts to create a compelling whole. Â For example, while the original game depleted fuel and ammo, I was hoping to avoid limited resources on my helicopters. Â However, without limits, players can fire constantly and hover around the enemy base. Â In the original you can pick up and drop soldiers onto the battlefield. Â Without this there can be some oversimplicity when combat only occurs on a single battle line. Â Finally, the original pitted an enemy helicopter against your own, and writing a helicopter AI is really something I was trying to avoid because there are only two weeks left. Â However, that would mean that bazooka soldiers wouldn’t mean much and player tanks wouldn’t have any kind of weakness. Â The wild-card that the enemy heli presents is one that means that the battlefront isn’t completely predictable.
This is where some creative tweaking is needed… Â If I don’t have time for an enemy helicopter, I think I’ll create a different type of flying enemy such as floating mines or drones. Â I may also add some new abilities to tanks such as arced shots and the ability to shell players. Â A few more units to buy (as upgrades to existing tanks and soldiers) could really make things more compelling.